I’ve been thinking a lot recently about empathy. It started a few weeks ago at a leadership summit I attended with other participants of...

coexistence part 2: reLod
There was an article published recently about the city in which I live. It referred to Ramat Eshkol, a mixed Arab-Jewish neighborhood in...

Welcome to the launch my of new coexistence project!!! Today’s topic: pluralism (it's rad). Despite being a Jewish state, Israel is a...

rabin, 20 years later
This week was the 20th anniversary of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. This day holds tremendous significance...

school's in!
my first week of school is in the books! the path to my school placement was more complex than most. in the first few weeks of the...
ted talk: the dangers of a single story
​ this is one of the inspirations for my new project. nigerian novelist chimamanda ngozi adichie encourages us to diversify our lens in...

security update and *NEW PROJECT*
i want to preface this post with a note that i am safe and sound- my city has not seen any acts of terror, and there have been very few...

the power of place
think about your most meaningful memories. where were you? would they have been as powerful if they had occurred somewhere else? on...
fear. and learning
my last blog post described last weekend's trip to tel aviv and jaffa. what i did not mention was that the trip was cut short. when...

weekend in "the bubble"
no not the bloomfield bubble. tel aviv is referred to in israel as "the bubble". after spending the weekend in the city, i think i have...